Christmas Swimming in New England with an Indoor Endless Pool

For the majority of swimming pool owners in the United States, the winter months aren’t exactly synonymous with exercise and swimming.

Charles and Rebecca Gilliam, however, are a growing exception to that rule. Their Endless Pool, installed in 2007, has allowed the couple to enjoy the benefits of swimming year-round at their home in Massachusetts.

“The reason we chose the Endless Pool was so we could swim all year,” said Charles Gilliam. “We used to swim in the lake in August, but the weather got cold so quickly and we wanted a better option."

“It’s about 20 degrees outside right now and my wife and I just finished swimming,” gushes Charles Gilliam. Thanks to the Endless Pool's modular construction, the Gilliams installed their Endless Pool in an existing room for year-round access. “There’s snow outside, and without our Endless Pool, we wouldn’t be able to swim.”

The Endless Pool has allowed over 20,000 families to enjoy their pool year round. Swimming, water exercise, aquatic therapy and family fun can be enjoyed at home from January to December.

“It’s about 20 degrees outside right now and my wife and I just finished swimming,” said Gilliam. “We swam Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas. There’s snow outside, and without our Endless Pool we wouldn’t be able to swim.”

As the seasons change, so do the options for those wishing to stay active. Rather than worry about the hassle of driving back and forth to the gym, jockeying for swim lanes, or running outside in the frigid weather, an Endless Pool can provide a challenging cardiovascular workout in a temperature controlled environment.

Offering the versatility of year-round use, whether installed indoors or outside, an Endless Pool can be comfortably raised in temperature up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Energy efficient and compact, the small size of the pool allows this to be done economically.

During the hectic holiday season, Endless Pools allow people to keep their fitness regimen steady. The Gilliams are able to swim during winter storms, while other Endless Pool owners choose to run utilizing our underwater treadmill.

The privacy, ease of use, and accessibility offered by the Endless Pool has been a welcome addition for thousands since the company opened twenty-five years ago.

Endless Pool’s latest product, the Swim Spa, offers the flexibility of exercise and the relaxation and therapy of a spa in one package. Customizations that include color, size, underwater lights, number of seats, soothing jets, and underwater treadmills offer unlimited possibilities.



