Endless Pools® hosted free stroke training and Tri Sprint Challenges for triathlon clubs in the vicinity of our Philadelphia-area showroom.
The Bucks County Triathlon Club joined us for a morning of coaching and competition. After her swim coaching, BCTC Member Wendy F. gushed, “I love the Endless Pool. They [our Factory Showroom features multiple models] were fantastic to swim in; the workout far exceeded a typical pool workout as you were constantly moving. I will be looking to put one in my garage or outside in my next house.”
A member of the Bucks County Tri Club takes a breather during his free stroke-training session with Adam Alper, Mid-Atlantic Multisport Assistant Coach (and Endless Pools’ Applications Engineer). The sessions earned praise from BCTC members, one of whom left with “insightful corrections” to her technique, thanks to Endless Pools' unparalleled coaching perspective.
Wendy expressed particular appreciation for our swim coaches – Bill Hauser and Adam Alper of Mid-Atlantic Multisport – who offered “some insightful corrections to improve our strokes in the pool.” Besides the lack of flip-turns, an advantage of in-place swimming is the unparalleled opportunity to have your stroke observed and fine-tuned.
For the Tri Sprint Challenge, Gym Source very graciously loaned us equipment both the LeMond® RevMaster Pro stationary bicycle, designed for a better fit with greater comfort; and the ProForm® Boston Marathon® treadmill, which simulates the actual route's terrain with inclines up to 20% and declines of 6%.
One of the youngest members of the Bucks County Tri Club pulls into the lead on the Boston Marathon Treadmill, on loan from Gym Source. This spring, the Endless Pools Factory Showroom hosts area tri clubs for a series of indoor Tri Sprint Challenges plus Stroke Training in an array of Endless Pools models.