Investing in a More Equitable Future
Endless Pools supports the necessary work of The Equity Lab
Aston, PA – Nearly 250 years into the American experiment, we see continued evidence that we've yet to fulfill the promise that we're all "created equal." To further such progress, aquatic innovator Endless Pools gave a $5,000 grant to The Equity Lab. The Washington D.C.-based nonprofit supports individuals and organizations to engage deeply in race, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
"We're grateful to the team at Endless Pools for their generous support," said Michelle Molitor, Executive Director of The Equity Lab. "Through their Endless Access grant program, Endless Pools is taking important steps to live out their core values around diversity. For The Equity Lab, this grant will help us continue to take on our nation’s biggest challenges of individual, institutional, and systemic inequity."
DC-based nonprofit The Equity Lab received a $5,000 grant from Endless Pools. The donation helps to fund critical initiatives like Seeding Disruption, a fellowship program that assists educators and youth-facing professionals use equity-driven design thinking to solve specific problems in their work.
"We all have work to do on issues of diversity and inclusion," observes Endless Pools' General Manager, Darren Pearse. "The Equity Lab is committed to racial equity. Through their fellowships and institutional partnerships, they're fostering the thought leaders who are creating lasting social change. All of us at Endless Pools are honored to support the hard-earned strides that their team is making."
To tackle the nation's biggest challenges, the nonprofit Equity Lab funds national Nexus Fellowship program. The year-long fellowships aid leaders as they collaborate to create long-term organizational change around race and equity.
The donation comes through Endless Access, an Endless Pools initiative that supports regional nonprofit organizations dedicated to positive social change. The grant to The Equity Lab is backed by Endless Pools' parent company, Masco Corporation, and their Masco Million Differences program; in 2021, Masco Million Differences granted over $1,000,000 to organizations working efficiently to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.