Animate Your Pool with the Fastlane (new video)

A still from the new animated video for the Endless Pools Fastlane swim-current generator

Opening your pool this Memorial Day weekend? Our new 'white board' animated video shows how you can give it new life with the Endless Pools Fastlane® Pro current system.

The Fastlane system transforms almost any traditional pool with the Endless Pools current. With simple, seamless poolside installation, the Fastlane unit lets you swim, workout, or play against the smooth, adjustable Endless Pools swim current.

The Fastlane system easily mounts to the deck of existing or above-ground pools. We offer a wall-mount option for new or renovated pools.

The remotely located hydraulic power unit connects to the Fastlane unit via two hoses to run our unique, propeller-generated current -- that keeps the electricity far removed from the water!


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