2019 Resolution: Swim More … with Music

Resolving to swim more in 2019? A simple but revolutionary audio device can help you stay motivated beyond the first weeks of January. You can use it to swim to music, including our special streaming playlist designed to inspire you to swim more in the New Year!
The Swim Communicator
Even with your head half underwater, you can still listen to music to motivate your swim workout.
The Swim Communicator by FINIS makes this possible with their patented Bone Conduction Audio Transmission. In place of traditional earbuds, the Communicator clips to your goggle straps so that the speakers rest on your cheekbones. They produce vibrations that deliver crystal-clear audio to your inner ear.
The Communicator connects to any Bluetooth-enabled device. With just a few taps, you can easily 'pair' your smartphone or tablet with the Communicator. After that, you can hear any audio from that device while you swim.
The audio can be 'native' files (MP3 music files or downloaded podcasts that you have stored on your phone) or streaming audio from apps such as Spotify. If you can hear it through your regular headphones, then you can hear it while swimming through the Communicator.

The Endless Pools "Dip into 2019" Playlist
At Endless Pools Factory Showroom here in suburban Philadelphia, we have six Endless Pools models, and our team members dip in every day. We swim and use our Underwater Treadmills to lose weight, train for triathlons, cross-train for marathons, and just to stay fit and flexible.
In a companywide survey, we asked each employee for the one song that best motivates them to get up and go. We then compiled their favorites into this playlist.
The songs are sequenced for an energetic buildup to a vigorous peak, followed by a gentle slowdown. Given the range of genres represented, we're certain that you'll find something to inspire you. Perhaps you'll even discover a new motivational favorite of your own!
Swim Easier, Swim Faster
The official name of the FINIS device is the Swim Coach Communicator. Even though it can transmit any audio from your smart device, the Communicator was intended to transmit coaching instructions via the device's microphone.
Previously, a coach needed to wait until the swimmer had stopped swimming before offering tips and instruction. With the Communicator, the coach can prompt the swimmer while they're swimming. That permits the swimmer to make immediate, real-time refinements to swim technique.
The process gets even easier in an Endless Pools environment. Swimming in place permits the coach to get an up-close view that's simply not possible in a traditional pool. For the swimmer, Endless Pools' underwater mirrors allow them to view their own stroke in real time.
The combination of the Endless Pools current with the Swim Coach Communicator can help swimmers at every level to progress faster than ever! And with our Spotify playlist, it can help you just swim for the sheer pleasure of it.